City of Reno
Home MenuParks, Recreation, & Open Space Master Plan
In a significant step to transform Reno into a hub for outdoor activities, the Reno City Council voted unanimously to adopt the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Master Plan on November 8, 2023. The adoption follows years of planning and community input, culminating in a comprehensive strategy that focuses on improving outdoor space in the City.
From public input, the City was able to identify top priorities which include improving existing parks, trails, and recreational facilities, identifying and acquiring land for new parks and recreational spaces, activating the City of Reno Truckee River corridor and downtown public spaces, and expanding recreational programming, special events, and educational opportunities.
The plan will help the City identify the recreational needs and desires of Reno residents. The plan will answer what we need and how much it will cost to meet these expectations. Plan adoption is anticipated in Fall of 2023.
Why is the PROS Plan Important?
The City of Reno last adopted a Recreation Facilities Plan in 2008. Following the Great Recession, the department budget and personnel were cut and the information and recommendations identified within the plan was no longer accurate or feasible. As a result, very little from this plan was completed and most identified facility needs still exist as funding is an ongoing challenge. The PROS Master Plan development was driven by priorities established in the 2017 ReImagine Reno Master Plan, the largest public engagement effort in the City’s history. Our community established the becoming a base for outdoor activities as the number one vision for Reno.
The PROS Master Plan development process consisted of four phases:
• Phase 1: Project Initiation. Review of the physical, demographic, and economic context of Reno to develop a snapshot of existing conditions and identify potential catalyst recommendations.
• Phase 2: Vision, Guiding Principles and Goals. Identification of the vision and goals for the Reno Parks and Recreation system.
• Phase 3: Development of the Plan. Development and validation of conceptual designs, and recommendations to be considered for implementation.
• Phase 4: Finalization of the Plan. In this final stage, the Master Plan is recommended for adoption to the Reno City Council by the Recreation and Parks Commission.
Throughout the process of updating this plan, staff worked with multiple stakeholder groups, conducted a general citizen survey, held virtual community workshops, solicited general public input, and sought input from the Recreation and Parks Commission, Reno Access Advisory Committee, Neighborhood Advisory Boards, Senior Citizens Advisory Committee, Financial Advisory Board and Reno City Council. The last public engagement effort was conducted in August of 2023 wherein a draft of the plan was made available for public review and input was solicited from residents, the Recreation and Parks Commission and City Council.